5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

by Liilgenius
5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You: Have you seen a puzzle before? A puzzle which is designed in such a way that you have to arrange pieces to form a specified picture. This game, the puzzle seems cumbersome for many, because of its level of supposed complexity.

This is precisely how striving to make someone fall in love with you feels like. It involves trial and error, it involves trying to impress and whatnot. Because of that, we have compiled 5 ways to make anyone fall in love with you.

In addition, if you have a burning love for someone, but the person doesn’t, in return, love you, too — its effect involves frustration. So, to keep the frustration at arm’s length, it’s imperative that you assimilate these 5 ways to make anyone fall in love with you. Not only do you have to assimilate them, but you also have to practice then.

That said, let’s proceed into the heart of this article. Yes, your readiness can be felt from miles away.

5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

Making someone fall in love with you might seem like a mystical practice, but it’s completely feasible to do. Just follow the tips below:


1. Have Confidence

Wanna know the name of one of the sexiest traits which one can possess? It’s confidence. With confidence, you can break out of your boundaries; with confidence, you can do things you didn’t believe you could do. Display confidence to the woman/man whose love you desire — confidence can compel her/him into falling in love with you.

Confidence makes you speak with a clear and commanding voice; it also makes you walk having a straight back, and your head held at a high position. That helps you market yourself to him/her.

To add to that, you have to value yourself, do that to the peak. That would make that person get the impression that you have something tangible to offer. Don’t fake confidence, it might fail you. And, it definitely won’t get you anywhere.

Don’t have confidence? Here are a few directions on how you can gain confidence:

A. Be Present In All Conversations — Speak In Gatherings

You have the joint where you and your friends meet to discuss on the trend — both gender. Start from there. You are of a religion, right? After service, sometimes people stay behind just to discuss, be part of it; make sure it’s a relevant topic.

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In fact, wherever you find yourself, you won’t be arrested if you contribute, go ahead and contribute. It goes a long way in increasing your level of confidence. Do that, and you won’t only gain confidence, you would also conquer stage fright.

B. Visualize Yourself In The Act Of What You Want To Do

Are there times you stay alone at home? Those are the best times to explore. You explore by visualizing yourself doing the things you want to do — things such as speaking to the girl of your choice, speaking to an audience, etc. Sit down, close your eyes, and imagine yourself indulging in what you’re scared of doing.

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This is where you show yourself; after all, there’s nothing to be shy about, and also, there’s nothing to be scared of. Visualize yourself in the act of what you want to do.

C. Go Beyond Visualizing, Practice

In this aspect, you have to open your mouth and talk. Say those sweet words, you would like to tell him/her, if you weren’t scared to do so. Just practice: the more you do so, the more your chances of pushing yourself into doing it right.

It’s the same with learning how to speak in front of a crowd. See yourself in front of an audience, then start talking. Chances are you will successfully do that one day.

D. Help Someone Else

Helping someone goes a long way in helping us — it helps to make you feel grateful for the little you have. You know that unexplainable feeling you get after helping someone, right? Well, that’s one of what it does. Do whatever it takes to make a noticeable difference in someone’s life; it would surely be a plus for you.

Many indulge in directing all their attention to their weaknesses; but, they fail to understand that volunteering to mentor, assist or impact in someone else contributes to growing your self-growth.

E. Look Good

For several people, they discover their strength, based on confidence, when they start looking good. In essence, looking good is a spice you can’t neglect when cooking yourself up for self-confidence.

As the popular saying goes, “how you dress determines how you will be addressed” — to rephrase. This can’t be overemphasized; just LOOK GOOD. You would be glad you did.

2. Physical Appearance

5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

Physical Appearance – 5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

In the (E) part of number one, we made mention of “look good”; to heighten the possibility of making her/him fall in love with you, looking good should be a serious business to you. This is quite essential, and you can’t skip this one. He may endure the lack of confidence; she may endure the lack of confidence — but, she/he wouldn’t be able to endure someone who looks tattered and unorganized.

Appearance is everything. It won’t be wrong if we say you are already asking this question, “If appearance is everything, why do I have to go for the others?” Well, to rephrase that statement: appearance is the paramount one.

We may run away from accepting the fact that physical appearance makes a significant impact in making someone fall in love with you. Do you want that crush of yours, or people around to fall in love with you? Then, always try to be at your best. You would be shocked at the result. Dwell on your physical qualities, use them; always keep your flaws behind you. They don’t have to get the better of you.

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Ensure that you steadily practice the habit of personal hygiene and proper grooming — it could be shaving, combing your hair frequently or showering.

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3. Display Your Value

5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

Display Your Value – 5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

In case you don’t know, it’s important you know that girls love boys with value, and vise versa — boys love girls with value, too. So, try to disclose your personality to her/her; don’t do it in a way that seems like you are trying to “show yourself.” Be natural about it. Just do your thing. Today, appearance has placed coverage on everything, and no one searches for people with value anymore. Do you want to get a responsible person? Raise your value. You would have it naturally.

Some persons are already asking, “how can I be a person of value”?

Here are a few tips to achieve such:

A. Focus On Your Growth

Your personal development should be one of your paramount pursuits. Once in a while, ask yourself this question, “am I really committed to my personal growth?” If the answer is the three letters ‘yes,’ go ahead and ensure that you put more effort into working on your personal growth daily. Do these: learn, read, study, attend seminars, buy books, etc. Whatever thing you know would help you grow, do it.

B. Work Harder On Yourself

Work harder on yourself every day. Always put enough effort into making sure that you are not who you were yesterday — in other words, strive to be better than the person you were yesterday. You need to be consistent in working on yourself. If you eventually change after working on yourself, everything will surely change for you.

Working hard stirs up confidence, too. It makes you bold because you can talk around people who are also working hard.

C. Sharpen Your Skills

Do you have a skill? If yes, strive to improve your proficiency in that skill. If no, check within, there’s something you have passion for. Reevaluate yourself, and be sure of what you can do, then work on it. Everybody has his inbuilt skill. It’s needed for you to discover your expertise. When that is done, the next thing is to sharpen it, improve it. Practice, practice, practice.

D. Value Your Time

Time is something you spend, but don’t get back. So, every second you spend is gone: the question is, “did you spend it well?” “will you get a positive result?” Answer those questions, and you wouldn’t want another second to pass without doing something memorable. It doesn’t matter what you are in need of, just sow your time. Is it money, health, a circle of influence or whatnot? Just invest your time.

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Before you take a step into doing something, ask yourself, “would it profit me?” If you can’t come up with an answer, don’t do it.

4. Focus On Him/Her In Public

5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

Focus On Him/Her In Public – 5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

People who admire you tend to look more at you sheepishly in public. So, if you want him or her to notice you, always focus on him or her. Her noticing you is inevitable; his noticing you is inevitable. Keeping eye contact will send the signal that you have an interest; don’t be shy to do it often.

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It’s just the same with having people who are in a relationship around; you would surely notice. Because their eye contact would be something that can be observed by even a 2-year child. It would get to the point that they can’t bear indulging in the act of focusing on each other, they would have to be around each other.

Sometimes, the eye contact makes the other person becomes shy, it makes the other person becomes conscious of himself while going about his or her activities. That, too, should tell you that the person won’t ignore you if you take the bold step. So, focus on that individual, it would go a long way.

5. Develop A Bond

5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

Develop A Bond – 5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

Yes, it’s time to start the main exercise. Try to develop a bond, and it’s possible using the following hints:

A. Have A Good Knowledge Of The Person

Doing this consumes time; it also consumes energy. Because you have to ask certain questions — questions such as “as a child, what were your plans on what to become?” and “what do you want to do now?” These questions are likely to compel the person to disclose his or her dreams and hopes. Not only dreams and hopes, but also other things he or she plans to achieve, or get out of life. Ask about things like goals, hobbies, interests, dislikes, and likes.

B. Share The Person’s Passion

Don’t try to detest what he/she loves. Make sure you display an interest in what he or she loves. Make it a habit — always appreciate the little things, which keeps him or her happy. Don’t attempt to fake your interest, certain persons can figure out if it’s fake or not. And, if they discover that you’re faking it, it sends a signal that you are not really interested. For a start, that’s not good.

Let’s take this as an example: If the person supports Manchester United — the football club — don’t discriminate the team because you support Arsenal. Is it a sport you can’t play? Don’t lose interest because of that, instead, show interest to learn the sport. Or, is it a genre of music, force yourself to love it, too. It would make him or her love you more.

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C. Treat The Person Like A Real Hero

Ensure that he or she feels like a hero/heroine whenever he or she is around you. Allow him/her to assist you in doing academic work, just to make the person feel smart. Request for personal advice, just to make the person feel wise. You can also ask for clothing advice: it goes, too.

D. Build Trust & Support During Difficult Times

One of the essential components in a healthy relationship is Trust. Learn to trust him or her. Try to show her that you are trustworthy, too:

  • If she or he tells you a secret, don’t go about spilling it out — keep it. If you discover the thing(s) that embarrasses him/her, don’t joke with it. Be careful.
  • Don’t be scared to share her secret with the person. And, disclose parts of yourself, which other people around you don’t see. Allow him or her to comfort you.

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