Best Good Afternoon Messages: In a day, we have morning, afternoon and evening — and most people are used to sending text messages only in the morning, and also at night. Don’t you know it would be romantic to send, when she doesn’t expect it, in the afternoon? It really would be.
Half a day, the afternoon, it’s a unique way to be romantic by sending best good afternoon messages in the afternoon — in the midst of stress he/she is facing in his/her place of work. Sometimes, a break is observed in the afternoon, and at that period of the break, most people go out for a walk, check messages on their smartphones, write down inspirations, listen to music or whatnot.
At that point, you would surely put a smile on his or her face by sending the best good afternoon messages, which we have listed below. If you find it challenging to compose good afternoon greetings quotes, copy and paste the ones below, or you could also get ideas from there to compose yours.
Ready? Let’s move.
Best Good Afternoon Messages
1. Over my head is a deep blue sky, and a relaxing wind. The significant and only thing, out of other things, I’m missing at the moment is your presence. Your company is GOLDEN to me. Have a pleasant afternoon.
2. The afternoon comes with the brightness of the sun; the brightness which the sun brings reminds me of the light you have brought to my life. You are my happiness. I can’t wait any longer to have you in my arms again. I miss you so much, this afternoon.
3. The gentle wind which comes with the afternoon feel like a warm and sweet hug from you, my Love. There’s nothing else in my thoughts apart from you, this bright afternoon. Hope you are having a great time?
4. I have never met a soul like yours, the most beautiful soul I’ve met is you. I wish you an incredible and good afternoon. I hope you are having an excellent time at the moment?
5. Do you know the time the sun shines at its fullness? It’s in the afternoon. It shows me how you brought light into my life, ever since I met you. I love you. Good afternoon.
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6. This is the time of the day when nature looks beautiful. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to miss the beauty displayed at this time. Wishing you a sweet afternoon.
Good Afternoon Wishes
7. Here’s the afternoon to tell you that half of the time you have to work, is gone. Just the remaining half to go. I wish you more strength as you do your work. Have a joyous afternoon.

Best Good Afternoon Messages
8. It’s in the morning that new work is started; in the afternoon, you observe the act of remembering; in the evening, you refresh yourself; then you relax at night. Have a wonderful afternoon.
9. This afternoon is always a perfect time to achieve your goals, just work towards it. Good luck in your endeavors. Have a prosperous afternoon.
10. Do you feel tired this afternoon? Do you feel sleepy also? Try a nap. It’s a great practice to help you recover strength to complete the day. Good afternoon.
Good Afternoon Greetings Quotes
11. It’s worth it to remember sweet things, good things, and nice persons. The afternoon is the best time to remember such things. Just think of me, it’ll save you the stress thinking of sweet things, good things, and nice persons. Happy afternoon.
12. Shine bright, very bright, just like the sun that shines in the afternoon. And, let the world stay inspired by your action, and because of how your light shines. Have a splendid afternoon.
13. I know that right now you are punching the buttons of the keyboard of that computer, working your ass out to earn something. I’m sending you this to let you know that even in the afternoon, I think about you. Make sure you pause and eat something, you need it. I wish you the best.
14. Have a perfect afternoon; I love your company. I can’t wait to have you by my side again. I love you.
15. My dear, it’s that time you remember the sweet persons available in your life. I am sure I will top the list. Thanks for that privilege. Good afternoon, my good friend.

Best Good Afternoon Messages
16. Just know this: all my wishes will always be with you, and just you. Morning wishes to stir up the feeling of freshness within you. Afternoon wishes to stay by your side as a good company. Evening wishes to ensure that you are refreshed. Night wishes that you’re comfortable with sleep. Good afternoon, dearest.
Goodafternoon Message
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17. Today, I send my kiss you. You always seem present even though you are far away from me. Good afternoon, dear.
18. Good afternoon; may you have a good time this afternoon.
19. May your afternoon be blessed, fruitful, productive, and blissful. And, happy, too. Good afternoon.
20. Don’t let choosing the wrong people to get you upset, because if that doesn’t happen, you won’t know the real value of having the real ones around. Good afternoon.
Good Afternoon SMS For Girlfriend
Here are Good Afternoon SMS For Girlfriend. Best Good Afternoon Messages!
You value your girlfriend, right? It would be romantic to send her a cute good afternoon text from this list of good afternoon sms for girlfriend.
21. You are pleasant, and caring, too. And, people like you are difficult to find. That’s why I’m always grateful to whatever that led me to you. You are my favorite. Good afternoon, my sweetness.
22. Yes, time waits for no one, but it doesn’t restrict anyone from working on his dreams. Baby, go ahead and fight for your dreams. The day is still at its fullness, you can achieve a lot — GO. Success is all you’d experience. Good afternoon, my Love.
23. Good afternoon, dear. Life makes way for you to grab opportunities; it’s of you to choose whether you go with taking them or staying afraid to take them.
24. Baby, you are the drug I am to take every second of the day — in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. I’m missing you so badly. I love you, sweetheart. Good afternoon.

Good Afternoon SMS For Girlfriend
25. Every afternoon I keep myself busy with my favorite hobby. Guess what that hobby is; well, it’s “thinking of you.” I’m addicted already. Good afternoon, my angel.
Good Afternoon Quotes For Her
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26. My Love, you are so special to me. Aside from you, is there anything I can tag as special again? I don’t think. Good afternoon, pretty.
27. All my entire being desires in life is nothing but your Love. If your Love ceases, I think my heart will stop beating. I love you, my everything. Good afternoon.
28. My prayer to God has always been, “Oh, God! Keep me close to my angel — YOU — so that both of us can enjoy this beautiful afternoon with each other. I wish you the best this bright afternoon.
29. Look at the sun in the sky. Okay, I understand, you can’t, right? It’s too bright. That’s how your light will shine to the world, and everyone shall see your greatness. I believe in you. Good afternoon, my darling girlfriend.
30. I want you at every moment of my life — moments such as when I open my eyes to a brand new day in the morning, when I retire to bed in the night, when I take the cool breeze and relax right under the sun in a sunny afternoon. Good afternoon, my sunshine.
Afternoon Love Message For Her
31. I just wish the sun would listen to me, and stop exerting its scorching pressure on you. So sorry about the hotness, but don’t worry, very soon the sun will set, and it will be evening. I love you. Have a pleasant afternoon.
32. I have tasted and eaten things, which are so sweet. I have heard sweet words. But, I can’t compare it with the Joy I get whenever I see the smile on your cheek. You are lovely. Good afternoon.
33. With you by my side, every day is a lucky day. I’m so fortunate that you chose to love me especially. In the morning, afternoon and night, you never cease to make my day. Good afternoon, pearl.
34. I have read about Love in romantic novels, but ever since I came in contact with yours, I discovered that your Love is sweeter, your Love is above them all. I have also watched people exhibit Love in epic movies, but yours is more fulfilling. Good afternoon, my princess.
35. I create time for only special things, I’m very busy right now, but you are my other half, so if I don’t pause what I’m doing to check on my other half who will? Baby, I love you, and I think about you every single day. Good afternoon.
Good Aft For Her
36. I see things changing in my life, and I can see things working exclusively in my favor. The last time I tried to know what’s happening, I found that it’s your Love at work. over a thousand kiss from me to the Love of my life, YOU. I love you so much. And, I wish you a delightful afternoon.
37. I dedicate every afternoon to think of the one who my heart beats for. The only one I’m alive for, and the one I can take my life for. Hope you’re taking good care of yourself? I have missed the view of your beautiful face.
38. When you get tired and can’t work any longer, take cold water, and rest for a while. Please, don’t break down for you. I wouldn’t be able to stand that. I love you. Have a fruitful afternoon.
39. I usually don’t say good afternoon to people, but when I say it, just know it that you are more than exceptional to me. Happy afternoon.
Good Afternoon SMS Romantic For Him, Boyfriend
Want Good Afternoon SMS Romantic For Him, Boyfriend alone? Best Good Afternoon Messages! Here they are:
40. I love you, my baby. Whenever I set my eyes on your face, I see bright lights — why? Because it shines. I am sure the sunny afternoon helps you to shine brighter. Happy afternoon, my all.
41. In this lovely afternoon, I wish I can look into your eyes right now, and talk to you. I miss that. You always make the beautiful things of this world look more attractive. I love you. Good afternoon.
42. I searched, and I couldn’t find any man as perfect as you are. They may say that no one is perfect, but I choose to call you perfect because you are perfect for me. Good afternoon, my king. Make sure you enjoy your launch.
43. It’s time to eat launch, don’t forget to eat for two because it gets to me. I’ll know if you don’t. Good afternoon, darling.
44. Even though you have a massive number of works to do, I know you would still do it very well. Do you see why I call you the best? You are a jewel. I can never sell you to anyone. Have an incredible afternoon.

Good Afternoon SMS Romantic For Him, Boyfriend
45. The sun, as it grows, reminds me of your glowing nature. Your Love gets me enlightened. You are my world. Good afternoon, the prince of my heart.
Good Afternoon Messages For Him
46. After the sweet morning, this wonderful afternoon is here. I really miss my king, and I can’t wait to have him hold me tight to himself again. I wish you all the best this afternoon, my baby. Good afternoon.
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47. This afternoon, I feel lazy, and I also feel incomplete without your presence. I wish you could stand beside me right now. I miss those days. I love you. Good afternoon to the man I choose and will choose again in my next life — if there’s anything thing like next life.
48. I feel really good, this wonderful afternoon. But, hugging you would make me feel great. Good afternoon, my Love.
49. Good afternoon, baby. Hope you are good? Well, I know you always are. Please, take care of yourself for me. Please.
50. The sunlight is touching my hair. The sunlight is also touching my hands. I am sending this beautiful sunlight to you. I’m sure you can feel the touch of mine. Feel it. Good afternoon, honey.
Good Afternoon Texts For Him
51. Just close your eyes and imagine that we are holding our hands and moving around beside the ocean — feeling the blue sky, the blue sea, and the fresh breeze. Feeling awesome, right? I wish you a sweet afternoon such as this.
52. You are the peace that has taken over my heart, so I call you the peace of my heart. This calm and lovely afternoon reminds me of an angel — you. I love you, dear. Good afternoon.
53. Can ‘I love you’ hold express how I pursue to make my Love known to you with words? I don’t think so. The Love I have for you is incomparable. Happy afternoon, my everything.
54. This very moment — this afternoon — I want you to be informed that I genuinely love you. And, that will never change. I don’t think I can live without you, and please let’s not experiment that, the result might not be good. I want to have you right beside me for the rest of my life. Good afternoon, my prince.
55. You, yes you, are the only apple of my eyes. Whenever my eyes are closed, the only thing I see is your beautiful and innocent face. You have made my life complete. I love you. Good afternoon.
Pleasant Afternoon Greetings For Him
56. I see your Love as divine because that’s what it is to me. I am a strong woman today, because of your Love. Having you as a partner is something I am proud of. Have a lovely afternoon.
57. When I get to heaven, I would still locate you. There we can continue to see each other forever. I love you. Happy afternoon.
58. Love is just like the life we live in. You are the life I live now. I wish my perfect life a great afternoon. Make sure you enjoy your launch. Good afternoon, big head.
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59. I can tell that at this moment you are hot and tired. I composed this message intending to cool you down. So, read every word on this message, and feel calm. Happy Afternoon.
60. Check, I have sent across to you a few sunshine — special ones. I’m so sorry, I know it’s hot; but, don’t worry, the evening is at the corner. Good afternoon, my world.
Happy Afternoon Messages For Friends
Here are Happy Afternoon Messages For Friends. Best Good Afternoon Messages!
It wouldn’t be a bad, wrong idea to compose something cool for your friends. And, the exciting news is: you don’t have to rack your brain over something suitable. Just copy and paste.
61. I was enjoying the view of this beautiful afternoon when it occurred to me that my friend must be sleeping at this time. How could he sleep on this fantastic afternoon?
62. Do you want to skip the hectic and stressful noon? Just retire to bed very late at night, then wake up after it’s past noon. Good afternoon, my crazy friend. You are doing it entirely right.
63. You always complain that the afternoon is too hot, so you want to go and take a nap; it’s obvious you have no idea about the beauty of the afternoon. Good afternoon, you.
64. It’s easy, you can simply walk into the balcony, just to take a deep breath, watch the bright sky and make plans to achieve goals tomorrow. But, instead of doing all that, you decided to observe a nap. That’s a perfect happy afternoon. I love you.
65. My good friends, very soon the workday will come to an end, so you still can take a shot at working on your DREAMS. Happy afternoon.
66. Know this: there’s nothing like mistakes, and there’s nothing like a coincidence, too. Whatever you experience is a blessing given to you — so you can learn from it. A journey that involves a thousand miles begins with the courage to take the first step. Good afternoon.
Good Afternoon Quotes For Friends
67. Hope my morning wishes got to you, while you were having a wonderful morning? I am sure it did. It’s afternoon already, and I’m sending my afternoon wish to you: have a splendid afternoon. You shall start achieving your goals from the afternoon. Good afternoon, my sweet friend.
68. Being your friend is one of the best things that has happened to me: you are always there when I need you; you show up whenever I’m down. Wow! I appreciate that. That’s the reason why even after sending the morning wishes, I took it upon myself to send you this afternoon message, too. I cherish you, my friend. You are God sent. Good afternoon.
69. Yes, no one can deny that good and bad memories exist. But, whenever you are around a true friend, I discover that everything changes — joy overwhelms. Thanks for being my primary source of Joy. Good afternoon, my dear friend.
70. Have a prosperous afternoon. Be sure you don’t surround yourself with people who don’t love you; you’ll end up hurting yourself. Go ahead and perform activities that keep you comfortable, and make you happy. Good afternoon to you, my friend.
Good Afternoon Wishes For A Friend
71. My parents have always said to me: be careful about the kind of friends you pick. Ever since you become my friend, I have seen the relevance of selecting the right friend. I love you, my special friend. Good afternoon.
72. Morning is a time spent with the family; the afternoon is a time spent with your works; evening is a time spent with your friends; night is a time spent with your dreams. They all sum up to produce a perfect day. Have an incredible afternoon.
73. Make sure you enjoy every second of your life without any touch of fear because there is no secret to being happy. Good afternoon, my good friend.
74. Be relieved and light. Good evening, my friend.
75. These days, it’s easy to find a friend with envy, hatred, jealousy and more; but, hard to find a true friend. I have found you, and I’ll be careful not to let my actions chase you away. I mean it. Have a sweet afternoon.
Good Afternoon Messages For A Friend
76. My friend, how do you do that smile? It’s just everything, and it makes me smile, too. Keep smiling, my friend. Happy noon.
77. What they think shouldn’t be your business, do what you can do to pursue happiness. What they think don’t count. Your satisfaction counts. Good afternoon.
78. My friend, know this: a busy life makes it harder for you to pray — while prayers make a busy life much easier. Give that a try my friend. Good afternoon.
79. I can’t wait to see you again. You know how we go to the swimming pool whenever the weather is this hot. I miss those times, my friend. I’m always here waiting for you. Happy and good afternoon.
Inspiring Good Afternoon Positive Quotes
These Inspiring Good afternoon Positive Quotes are something to put you back on the track of achieving your dreams and goals. Keep reading. Best Good Afternoon Messages!
80. Don’t hold in all your sadness, let them go; go ahead and light up your world, because no one will do it for you — light it up with the brightness of the afternoon. And, you have a couple of miles to go. I wish you a prosperous afternoon.
81. You experience good times after you have tasted hard and tough times. You know that a relaxing afternoon comes after stressful noon, right? Well, that’s it. I wish you the very best for the days coming.
82. The best time to refresh and recharge yourself after a stressful day, is the afternoon. Take a deep breath, and begin the journey again. Good afternoon.
83. You’re a soul that’s blessed if you find yourself alive to see the beauty of this afternoon. Draw your inspiration from the brightness of the sun, and make your life a perfect one. Afternoon.
84. Do you know that the afternoon is a reward for you after the stressful, hectic and restless day you have encountered? Yes, it is. Don’t hide from this refreshing afternoon wind — expose yourself to it — and allow it to get you filled with dreams, hope, and sheer determination. Good afternoon.

Inspiring Good Afternoon Positive Quotes
85. In this week, you could be present in an afternoon that would change your life forever. That’s my prayer for you. Just like great inventors, they need only one idea to change everything. Don’t stop striving; success is at the corner for you. Keep striving. Good afternoon.
Best Afternoon Greetings
86. It’s easy to learn history, but not easy to make history; it isn’t easy at all. Do something that would make your name printed on the sand of time. Make history; you can. Good Afternoon.
87. I hope you have an amazing afternoon, and keep the optimism burning, because the mind has the capacity and capability to perform great things.
5 Ways To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You
88. Know this: my wishes will always be there by your side. Morning wishes to make sure that you feel fresh; afternoon wishes to be there with you — accompany you. Good afternoon, dear.
89. You see how bright the afternoon sun shines, right? That’s how you should shine, and even more colorful than that. You have the ability to do so. You don’t have two lives, you have just one, so it’s essential that you make it count in every possible way. Good afternoon.
90. I hope you have an awesome afternoon? Well, if the answer is NO, don’t worry, you have a few hours this afternoon to have a blast. I so much miss you, I won’t hide that. Good afternoon.
Good Afternoon Message In English
91. You know this saying, right? I mean this: good, better, best. Never allow it to rest. Til’ your good becomes better, and your better becomes best. That’s what you should do. Good afternoon.
92. The afternoon has the knowledge of what the morning doesn’t know about.
93. Yes, the afternoon is the middle of the day, but it’s not just that, it’s also the time to go to those essential tasks and complete them – it’s a time to move forward in life.
94. A.D. Posey knows happiness as a hot bath on a Sunday afternoon.
95. In the morning, I write. In the afternoon, I walk. And, in the evening, I read. Such life is a very easy & lovely one to live. Afternoon.
Afternoon Greetings Messages
96. Good afternoon to you, know it that it doesn’t matter the position you are right now — where you are today — stay focus, and have a positive mindset. That can swiftly lead you into anywhere you want to be in life.
97. Are you stuck this afternoon, because you don’t know what to do? Begin with looking at your dreams, make a decision on where you want to be, and draft out a plan to get there. Every little important step you make will take you close and close to your destiny. Good afternoon.
98. Loneliness isn’t the absence of people in your life, instead, it is the absence of your interest in those who you see around you. Good afternoon.
99. Our prime purpose is to lift something, to help someone. And, if you can’t stretch a helping hand — if you can’t help them — at least don’t attempt to hurt them. Good afternoon.
100. If problems didn’t come our way, we wouldn’t know what it’s like to have strength;
If struggles didn’t come our way, we wouldn’t learn resilience;
If the delay didn’t come our way, we wouldn’t learn patience;
If hopelessness didn’t come our way, we wouldn’t learn faith;
If suffering and tough times didn’t come our way, we wouldn’t learn compassion.
Good afternoon.
Good Afternoon Love Messages For Him
Here are Good Afternoon Love Messages For Him. Best Good Afternoon Messages!
101. As you take several steps, climbing the ladder of success — once in a while, check the ladder to be sure that it’s appropriately leaning against the wall. That way you are sure that you wouldn’t fall along the way. Good afternoon, and enjoy the rest of your day.
102. The afternoon serves as an indication that we will definitely see each other soon. Enjoy the work you have to do right now, because we’d need to enjoy life in the evening. Good afternoon.
103. I cannot take you out of my mind. My mind is a place where you’ll always be in. Good afternoon, my heartbeat.
105. I desire to always be by your side — to hug you tightly and hold you in my arms. I love you so much, my dear. Good afternoon.
Good Noon Message For Him
106. I don’t think I will ever be able to take you out of my mind. Good afternoon, my sweetheart.
107. I desire to always have you around me, to hug you and also hold you in my arms. I love you, my darling. Good afternoon.
108. I just wish you were somewhere around me, I won’t skip that part where I’d have to hug and hold you tightly — never to allow you go. Good afternoon, my love.
109. Each and every single day that passes, the love I have for you grows stronger than I can ever imagine. May you have a wonderful afternoon. I love you and good afternoon.
110. What an amazing day. The weather is so cool. May you enjoy this lovely afternoon to he fullest.
Good Afternoon Short Message For Him
111. Since you came into my life, my life has completely turned around for the better. You are now a huge part of me; I cannot imagine living life without you in it. Good afternoon, mine.
112. I have the feeling that one day we’ll be together. This distance between us can’t stop me from wishing you an amazing afternoon. I miss and love you. Good afternoon.
113. What a nice afternoon, the sun is just perfect, though without you, it’s incomplete. I wish you a good afternoon and a nice lunch. I love you.
114. The prayer I have for us is we’d stay together for many years to come. We would spend the dawn, noon and dusk together. Good afternoon, my love.
115. My darling, I just want to let you know that there’s no way that passes by that I don’t think about you. I take this special moment to say a special good morning to you, my special half.
Good Afternoon Messages For Whatsapp For Him
116. How’s your afternoon? Hope everything is fine at your end?
117. I give you my whole heart because you’re so special in my life. Nothing in this world can stop me from loving you. Good afternoon, my angel.
118. I just want to quickly tell you how much I love you. You’re the one who holds the key to my heart. Good afternoon, honey.
119. You bring joy and happiness into my life. May your afternoon be filled with plenty blessings. I love you.
120. May you find comfort at every side you turn, this afternoon. May God bless every thing you put your hands to do. Good afternoon, dear.
Good Afternoon Text For Her
Here are Good Afternoon Text For Her. Best Good Afternoon Messages!
121. Hi, special. Hope you’re having a productive afternoon? May God continue to bless the works of your hands. I love you.
122. You’re my biggest dream that came true, dear. Good afternoon.
123. Good afternoon, my heartbeat. I am sending across hugs and kisses to keep you warm until we see each other again. I love you.
124. I am super lucky to have you, my love. I will forever treasure you. Good afternoon, dearest.
125. The day has gone just halfway and I already miss you. Good afternoon, my love.
Good Afternoon Msg For Her
126. May this afternoon be free of stress for you. I also want to make you aware of the fact that you’re my everything. Good afternoon, my one and only.
127. My baby, may the Lord bless all the words of your hands. Good afternoon.
128. It’s just a few hours remaining for it to be evening so we both will be back home and together. I already miss you, dear. Good afternoon, handsome/beautiful.
129. I can’t just stop thinking about you. May the remaining part of the day be fruitful. Good afternoon, my angel.
130. My heart belongs to no one else but you. Anytime I think of you, your smile leaves me breathless. I love you so much and I desire to spend all my life with you. Have a good afternoon, sweetie.
Good Afternoon Texts For Her
131. It’s rare to find angel like you. I’m so grateful to have you in my life. Good afternoon, honey.
132. You’re so caring and loving. I want to spend all my days with someone as beautiful and loving as you. I wish you a lovely afternoon.
133. Baby, you’re my shining star. When I know I’ve got you, nothing else matters in the world. You give my life purpose, that’s why I work hard to make the best out of my life. I want to wish you an incredible afternoon.
134. You can’t imagine how much I treasure you. I can’t spend a day without thinking about you. Good afternoon, my love.
135. Good afternoon, sweetheart. The reasons for loving you are indeed countless. You are very much special to my heart. I’ll always love you.
Good Afternoon Inspirational Messages For Her
136. One of the major things I thank God for is that he brought you into my life. You are an amazing, sweet, caring and kind person. I love you. Good afternoon.
137. I hope you’re having a wonderful and relaxing afternoon. I want to chill with you tonight. Have a good afternoon.
138. I hope your afternoon ends up being as wonderful as your morning. Have an amazing afternoon.
139. Trust me, I’ve come to realize that it’s rare to find someone as caring as you are. Until the end of time, I’ll treasure and cherish you. Good afternoon, love.
140. Have a lovely and awesome afternoon, my darling.
Good Afternoon Love Messages
Here are Good Afternoon Love Messages. Best Good Afternoon Messages!
141. Having you is just like a dream. I appreciate you so much for being a huge part of my life. Good afternoon, my dear.
142. Good afternoon to the most beautiful and gorgeous person in the world. Have the best afternoon.
143. May your good afternoon be productive, blessed and happy. Good afternoon.
144. Have a wonderful afternoon.
145. You’re the sunshine in my life. I send you a hug and kiss to warm you up this afternoon. Good afternoon, dear.
146. Good afternoon, dear. May happiness and blessings overwhelm you this afternoon and always. I love you.
147. May this afternoon bring you love and blessings. Good afternoon.
148. Darling, knowing that you’re mind comes with the best feeling in the world. I wish you a wonderful afternoon.
149. You’re an angel sent from heaven. I’ll always treasure and love you. Good afternoon, my angel.
150. Being with you has brought happiness and joy in my life. You have given me that peace of mind I’ve always longed for. Good afternoon.
Here are the best good afternoon messages, happy afternoon messages, good afternoon sms for girlfriend and more intriguing messages. We took out time to make these messages for you — for just you.
As said before, the afternoon is a time when one experiences much stress, because that’s the time much work is needed. But, you can help the person, to an extent, get relieved of the stress by sending these best good afternoon messages.
Don’t assume that he won’t see it, don’t think that she won’t see it — go ahead and send. There’s break time, and they’ll surely look at their phone.
Enjoy Good Afternoon Love Messages For Him, Good Afternoon Text For Her, Good Afternoon Love Messages, Good Afternoon SMS For Girlfriend, Good Afternoon SMS Romantic For Him Boyfriend, Happy Afternoon Messages For Friends and Inspiring Good Afternoon Positive Quotes.
Happy reading.