85 Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

by Liilgenius
Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook: A lot of people take it as a routine to post quotes and sayings on a daily basis on Facebook; when we talk about “Daily Basis,” Sunday is included. This article is centered on providing Sunday quotes and sayings for Facebook — quotes and sayings you’d love.

It’s of no doubt that Sunday is a day for some religions — such as Christianity, etc. So, it’s essential that you help your friends, family members, or what have you, start their day on the right foot. It won’t be wrong if someone guesses that a lot of you have tried putting together Sunday quotes and sayings for Facebook; that has made us package this article just for you.

With this article, you can either copy and paste the sayings listed here, or you pick ideas from them to compose something befitting for your friends, family members, or whoever to whom you want to send the Sunday quotes and sayings for Facebook.

Without further words, let’s proceed into the crux of the article, which is listing the Sunday quotes and sayings for Facebook.

Ready? Let’s go.

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

1. Don’t forget that yesterday is history, and tomorrow is just a mystery. But, today — do you want to know what today is? Today is Sunday.

2. Sunday, I have a request for you. Please, tell Monday to retire.

3. I just wish that Sunday came with a pause button.

4. There are three words that I tag as “worse words,” those three words are “tomorrow is Monday.”

5. Oh! My dear Sunday, can I sleep in your arms? Because that’s what I really want to do right now. Happy Sunday.

6. To make the newsprint for the New York Times’ average Sunday edition, one needs about 63,000 trees.

7. It’s Sunday already. Now, I need to find the weekend remote, because hitting the rewind button is essential.

8. God isn’t a Sunday plumber, he’s available at all times.

9. There are three words I love so much, and those three words are Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

10. WARNING: If you go to bed on a Sunday, you’ll wake up on Monday. Be warned.

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

11. Sunday is officially a day I see as my “Lazy Day.”

Happy Sunday Quote

12. I attend church service just once every week, but just like I go to a gas station every week to refill… that’s exactly what going to church does to me.

13. Do you know what Sunday is? Sunday is precisely the day for Leisure’s language.

14. I think Sunday should have 48 hours instead of 24 hours. It should be that way so we can have much time to prepare for Monday.

15. Don’t allow Sunday to be taken away from you. Your soul becomes an orphan if it has no Sunday.

16. I spent just a year in that very town, one Sunday.

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17. Do you know what happiness is? Well, if you don’t know, happiness is merely having a hot bath on a Sunday afternoon.

18. I so much hate Sunday night. The reason is: Sunday nights usher in Monday.

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19. If you think and feel that getting up on a Sunday morning is difficult, try resurrecting after death.

20. Sunday is the day I outline lots of plans, but I end up doing nothing.

Sunday Vibes Quotes

21. I seriously do need a day in between Saturday and Sunday.

22. Guess what! It’s Sunday night, but the problem is that I don’t want to go to bed because I will wake up on a Monday morning — weekend gone.

23. Friday: I don’t sleep early, I sleep late. Saturday: I don’t sleep early, I sleep late. Sunday: I sleep because I know very well that I’m going to regret it — waking up on a Monday morning.

24. To every one of you who is single, don’t bother your head, Palm Sunday is close — it’s around the corner.

25. I wish you lots of fun on this day — a Sunday. Have a wonderful Sunday.

26. As Sunday depicts: Sun + day; have a day filled with the brightest light — a light brighter than that of the sun.

27. Weekends do great in clearing away the rust of the whole week.

28. Do you need your weekend to count? Spend it doing completely pointless things.

29. The goal Sunday has is to get out of my home as little as possible.

30. *The kind of status girls post* Saturday: I’m so so drunk right now. Sunday: John 3:16.

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

31. Wishing every one of you a wonderful and great Sunday — a Sunday filled with laughter and happiness.

Quotes For Sunday

32. I so much love Sunday, and I also love being lazy. Then, Monday appears and ends up being so crazy.

33. A Sunday which is well-spent ushers in a week of content.

34. Wherever you go to on this Earth, no matter what weather it is, always carry your own sunshine along.

35. May your Sunday be blessed with peace, happiness, joy and love. Happy Sunday.

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36. It’s Sunday again, and I’m completely motivated to do absolutely nothing. Yippee!

37. Wake up, it’s another Sunday. And, this means that happy and spontaneous meetings are highly guaranteed. Happy Sunday.

38. Each Sunday, there’s always a new thing to learn. Yes, each Sunday.

39. Start your week with this bright Sunday. All the best.

40. May God give you the strength to handle all you think you can’t handle today. Begin a brand new life this Sunday.

Blessed Sunday Quotes

41. All I do on a Sunday is to rest, do nothing and just visit people.

42. Sunday. Don’t forget to take it slow, and also, don’t forget to give your soul a chance — a chance to catch up with your whole body.

44. Set yourself free from all prejudice and let everything of you go on Sunday. YES.

45. Don’t judge each day by the harvest, instead, judge by the seeds which you plant. The seed determines the harvest remember?

46. Today, whatever you know is good for your soul, don’t hesitate to do it.

47. Happy Sunday! If you are happy and joyous today, share this incomparable joy with the Lord, if you are not happy, find strength in the Almighty God, and remember that He alone is always in your heart.

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48. Sunday brings along lovely memories of childhood when I used to get up very early in the morning to go to church. Then when I would return home there’d be something special just for breakfast. I so much miss those days.

49. Sunday. A day to refuel and re-energize your soul and be grateful for all your blessings. Take a very deep breath and relax. Enjoy your friends, your family, and a hot cup of coffee.

50. There’s always a new thing to learn and feel every Sunday.

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

51. Poetry is truth in its Sunday clothes. – Philibert Joseph Roux

Facebook Sundays Quotes

52. Start this Sunday morning with nothing but a clean heart. No tears, no doubt, no worry and no fear. Thank God for his priceless, wonderful gifts & miracles throughout the world.

53. A Sunday which is well spent comes with nothing but a week of content.

54. Good morning. Start where you are right now, use whatever thing you have at the moment, and do whatever you can do. Happy Sunday.

55. Observe the Day of the Lord as he would have you, and perhaps He’ll observe all your days as you’d have Him. – Richelle E. Goodrich

56. Sunday is a bright and wonderful day to spend with your family and friends, make impressions — impressions which will count — for the whole week today.

57. Sunday is that time when you take a sit just to reflect on all the great Blessings which you have received. Always smile at the amazing things that you’re enjoying right now.

58. A productive Sunday is a Sunday when you learned something new — and felt something new, too. Have a marvellous Sunday!

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59. Meet this happy Sunday! Remember: wherever you go and whatever you do, always take a good mood and a smile with you.

60. Each spice has a very special day attached to it. For turmeric, it’s Sunday when light drips fat and butter-coloured into the bins to be soaked up glowing when you pray to the nine planets for love and luck. – Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Status For Sunday

61. Palm Sunday’s thought; Life is full of downs and ups. Glorify God during the good times and fully put your trust in Him during the downs.

62. It is a beautiful and fabulous Sunday morning and a perfect opportunity to thank the Lord for reminding us of the blessings we have.

63. Sunday’s a perfect day to pick a new path in life, do not be afraid of observing change, they come when they’re really needed. Have a wonderful Sunday.

64. Sometimes we don’t realize the blessings we hold until we lose them. Appreciate all the blessings — all the blessings — in your life, don’t take any of them for granted.

65. When I woke up Sunday morning at the Open, I stepped outside and felt the wind and rain in my face, I knew I had an excellent chance to win if I just took my time and trusted myself. – Tom Kite

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66. Let go of all the anxiety and worries in order to be free and light. Have a happy Sunday

67. Cheers to another Sunday. Snuggle just by the fire, read a good and inspiring book, have a nice hot cup of coffee (or two), watch a movie tagged as “old movie,” relax and enjoy the day.

68. Tomorrow is a gift, today’s a unique and awesome chance, it’s up to you on what to do: whether to only dream about the gifts or to make use of the chance.

69. Start this Sunday — today — with a clean heart. No doubt, no fear, no tears, no worry. Thank God for his great gifts and miracles.

70. Sunday already! Now, where did I keep the remote so I can just hit the rewind button?

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook

71. Sunday is an incredible chance to start living your life to its fullest, do what you have always wanted to do and forget about consequences.

A Sunday Quote

72. She swears that lazy Sundays were made just for her. Doing whatever it is that she wants to do, even if it is, nothing at all.

73. Don’t make plans for the future, fulfil all your dreams now, you’re lovely, and you’re capable of achieving anything. Enjoy your Sunday!

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74. Do not worry about what happened yesterday or last month. Today is a brand new day, so renew your mind this bright morning. Start fresh and be positive.

75. Don’t waste a single Sunday. If you do not waste Sundays, you’ll be less likely to waste Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

76. It’s a new day. I’m alive. I’m blessed. God is good. God is great. Have a blessed Sunday!

77. Each morning you wake to, be thankful, grateful and appreciate who you are, you have life, you’re blessed, and you’re beautiful.

78. Saturdays are for the adventures; Sundays are just for cuddling.

79. Just don’t give up trying to attempt that which you really want to do. When there are inspiration and love, I don’t think you can ever go wrong.

80. I feel like I should take care of the house, So I am going to lay down and take a nap until that particular feeling passes.

Best Sunday Quotes For Facebook

81. Sunday is the best day. You know that you had a fantastic week. Time to recover and think about how you gonna kill and slay the next one.

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82. Your smile can save a soul that’s distressed, gladden a sad heart, or heal; a broken spirit. Have a blessed Sunday.

83. Start this Sunday with an immaculate heart. No doubt, no tears, no worry, no fear. Thank God for his priceless miracles and gifts throughout the world.

84. Sunday’s a special day, unique in its own way, having lots of fun and enjoyment. May you have a delightful and peaceful Sunday so that you are energized for the coming week.

85. Sunday’s the core of our civilization, dedicated to thought and reverence.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Enjoy these Sunday Quotes And Sayings For Facebook.

Remember, sharing is caring.

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