60 Best To Err Is Human Quotes

by Liilgenius
To Err Is Human Quotes

To Err Is Human Quotes: We can’t even ask if you’ve ever been hurt by someone because we know that most persons will say “YES.” To err is human, but to forgive is divine. As our faces are different, so is our way of life. Everyone with their background, upbringing and even ideas about life. As a result, mistakes are bound to happen, we tend to feel hurt by people’s actions, even when they don’t intentionally try to hurt us.

Maybe you’re trying to let go but don’t know why you should. Here are some To Err Is Human Quotes to help strengthen your heart and give you the courage needed to forgive and let go.

To Err Is Human Quotes

Here are To Err Is Human Quotes.

1. “To err is human; but contrition felt for the crime distinguishes the virtuous from the wicked.” — Vittorio Alfieri

2. “To err is human – and to blame it on a computer is even more so.” — Robert Orben

3. “The human brain works by identifying patterns. It uses information from the past to understand what is happening in the present and to anticipate the future. This strategy works elegantly in most situations. But we inevitably see patterns where they don’t exist. In other words, we are slow to recognize exceptions. There is also the peer-pressure factor. All of us have been in situations that looked ominous, and they almost always turn out to be innocuous. If we behave otherwise, we risk social embarrassment by overreacting. So we err on the side of underreacting.” — Amanda Ripley

4. “Sometimes my need to love hurts myself, my family, my cause. Is there a cure? Of course. But I refuse. Refuse to stop loving, to stop caring. To avoid those tears, that pain … To err on the side of passion is human and right and the only way I’ll live.” — Jon Krakauer

5. “I know there’s a proverb which that says ‘To err is human,’ but a human error is nothing to what a computer can do if it tries.” — Agatha Christie

6. “So often, children are punished for being human. Children are not allowed to have grumpy moods, bad days, disrespectful tones, or bad attitudes, yet we adults have them all the time! We think if we don’t nip it in the bud, it will escalate and we will lose control. Let go of that unfounded fear and give your child permission to be human. We all have days like that. None of us is perfect, and we must stop holding our children to a higher standard of perfection than we can attain ourselves. All of the punishments you could throw at them will not stamp out their humanity, for to err is human, and we all do it sometimes.” — Rebecca Eanes

7. “To err is human, to forgive, divine.” — Alexander Pope

8. “Mr. Grace sounded like a very small child, helpless, hopeless. I had made him f*ck himself with his own big tool, like one of those weird experiences you read about in the Penthouse Forum. I had taken off his witch doctor’s mask and made him human. But I didn’t hold it against him. To err is only human, but it’s divine to forgive. I believe that sincerely.” — Richard Bachman

9. “When I was a kid, they had a saying, ‘to err is human but to really f*ck it up takes a computer.’” — Benjamin R. Smith

10. “The greatest feminists have also been the greatest lovers. I’m thinking not only of Mary Wollstonecraft and her daughter Mary Shelley, but of Anais Nin, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and of course Sappho. You cannot divide creative juices from human juices. And as long as juicy women are equated with bad women, we will err on the side of being bad.” — Erica Jong

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Best To Err Is Human Quotes

Here are Best To Err Is Human Quotes.

11. “To err is human, to persist in error is diabolical.” — Georges Canguilhem

12. “To err is human, to purr is feline.” — Robert Byrne

13. “Alison’s grandfather told her, ‘To err is human, to forgive divine” — Diane Griffith

14. “To err is human, to forgive divine. (Acheron)
I don’t ask for your forgiveness. I don’t deserve it. I only ask for a chance to show you now that I’m not the fool I was once. (Styxx)” — Sherrilyn Kenyon

15. “To err is human, to repent divine; to persist devilish.” — Benjamin Franklin

16. “My first emotons had been those of pure melancholy and sincerest pity; but just in proportion as the forlornness of Bartleby grew and grew to my imagination, did that same melancholy merge into fear, that pity into repulsion. So true it is, and so terrible too, that up to a certain point the thought or sight of misery enlists our best affections; but, in certain special cases, beyond that point it does not. They err who would assert that invariably this is owing to the inherent selfishness of the human heart. It rather proceeds from a certain hopelessness of remedying excessive and organic ill. To a sensitive being, pity is not seldom pain. And when at last it is perceived that such pity cannot lead to effectual succor, common sense bids the soul rid of it. What I saw that morning persuaded me that the scrivener was the victim of innate and incurable disorder. I might give alms to his body; but his body did not pain him; it was his soul that suffered, and his soul I could not reach.” — Herman Melville

17. “To err is human, to forgive is divine … but I’m only a cardinal and cardinals are human, so rather than forgiving you I’m going to err towards beating you with this stick.” — Mark Lawrence

18. “All human beings err, but they err frequently and in predictable, patterned ways.” — Atul Gawande

19. “To err is human, to purr feline.” — Robert Byrne

20. “To err is human. To count other people’s errors is humane” — Ljupka Cvetanova

To Err Is Human Quotes In English

Here are To Err Is Human Quotes In English.

21. “To err is human also in so far as animals seldom or never err, or at least only the cleverest of them do so.” — Georg C. Lichtenberg

22. “Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum: ‘to err is human, but to persist (in the mistake) is diabolical.” — Seneca

23. “To err is human. To blame someone else is politics.” — Hubert H. Humphrey

24. “To err is human; to admit it, superhuman.” — Doug Larson

25. “To err is human; but contrition felt for the crime distinguishes the virtuous from the wicked.” — Vittorio Alfieri

26. “To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.” — Paul R. Ehrlich

27. “He went on to say that conclusions arrived at through reasoning had very little or no influence in altering the course of our lives. Hence, the countless examples of people who have the clearest convictions and yet act diametrically against them time and time again, and have as the only explanation for their behavior the idea that to err is human.” — Carlos Castaneda

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28. “To err is human. To loaf is Parisian.” — Victor Hugo

29. “To err is human, but when the eraser wears out ahead of the pencil, you’re overdoing it. – Josh Jenkins” — Anonymous

30. “To err is human; to forgive divine. Alexander Pope” Excerpt From: Moriarty, Liane. “The Husband’s Secret.” — Alexander Pope

Inspiring To Err Is Human Quotes

Here are Inspiring To Err Is Human Quotes.

31. “To err is human – but it feels divine.” — Mae West

32. “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” — Jo NesbÃ

33. “To err is human, but to be paid for it is divine” — Howard Ruff

34. “To err is human, to forgive is against company policy.” — Lew Wasserman

35. “To err is human, to forgive is interplanetary.” — Lights

36. “To err is human,” Amelia said, “to forgive, absolutely galling.” — Lisa Kleypas

37. “To err is human; to forgive people and yourself for poor behavior is to be sensible and realistic.” — Albert Ellis

38. “To err is human, to accept full responsibility is to just run with it” — Josh Stern

39. “I wish that we had much more of the Spirit of Christ and a great deal less self, and less of human opinions. If we err, let it be on the side of mercy rather than on the side of condemnation and harsh dealing” — Ellen G. White

40. “I write in order to understand the images. Being what my agent … somewhat ruefully calls a language playwright, is problematic because in production, you have to make the language lift off the page. But a good actor can turn it into human speech. I err sometimes toward having such a compound of images that if an actor lands heavily on each one, you never pull through to a larger idea. That’s a problem for the audience. But I come to playwriting from the visual world – I used to be a painter. I also really love novels and that use of language. But it’s tricky to ask that of the theatre.” — Ellen McLaughlin

To Err Is Human Quotes And Sayings

Here are To Err Is Human Quotes And Sayings.

41. “To err is human; to forgive, infrequent.” — Franklin P. Adams

42. “To err is human, but to really screw things up requires a design committee of bureaucrats.” — Henry Spencer

43. “Imagine a different world, one in which people do not spend an inordinate amount of energy fuming against their fate each time they make a mistake … though we all agree that to err is human, each of us individually believes that he or she is the exception … Make a mistake? Not on my watch!” — Veronique Vienne

44. “To err is human, but to forgive, well that’s right on.” — Vince Vaughn

45. “I like a man with faults, especially when he knows it. To err is human” — Hugh Prather

46. “Good-nature and good-sense must ever join; To err is human, to forgive, divine.” — Alexander Pope

47. “To err is human. To cover it up is weasel.” — Scott Adams

48. “To err is human. To repeat error is of the Devil.” — Seneca The Younger

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49. “It is human to err; and the only final and deadly error, among all our errors, is denying that we have ever erred.” — Gilbert K. Chesterton

50. “To err is human, but to persevere in error is only the act of a fool.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero

Positive To Err Is Human Quotes

Here are Positive To Err Is Human Quotes.

51. “If I am mistaken in my opinion that the human soul is immortal, I willingly err; nor would I have this pleasant error extorted from me; and if, as some minute philosophers suppose, death should deprive me of my being, I need not fear the raillery of those pretended philosophers when they are no more.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero

52. “To err is human; but contrition felt for the crime distinguishes the virtuous from the wicked.” — Vittorio Alfieri

53. “So true it is, and so terrible, too, that up to a certain point the thought or sight of misery enlists our best affections; but, in certain special cases, beyond that point it does not. they err who would assert that invariable this is owing to the inherent selfishness of the human heart. It rather proceeds from a certain hopelessness of remedying excessive and organic ill. To a sensitive being, pity is not seldom pain. An when at last it is perceived that such pity cannot lead to effectual succor, common sense bides the soul be rid of it.” — Herman Melville

54. “To err his human, to stroll is Parisian.” — Victor Hugo

55. “For to err in opinion, though it be not the part of wise men, is at least human.” — Plutarch

56. “To err, as they say, is human. To forgive is divine. To err by withholding your forgiveness until it’s too late is to become divinely f*cked up.” — Jonathan Tropper

57. “The only difference between a wise man and a fool was in the magnitude of his mistakes. To err was human, and the smarter and more powerful you were, the greater the scope of your screwup.” — Tom Clancy

58. “You might declare that global warming and energy insecurity, not to mention urban sprawl and pollution, have intensified the sin of indulging one’s motoring desires. And I would not argue with that point. You’re right. I am a bad man. But over the long term, if you want to develop a new transportation and energy policy, you’d probably want to err on the side of assuming that people won’t change much. And it is human nature to like to be empowered.” — Joel Achenbach

59. “Of all the things we are wrong about, error might well top the list … We are wrong about what it means to be wrong. Far from being a sign of intellectual inferiority, the capacity to err is crucial to human cognition. Far from being a moral flaw, it is inextricable from some of our most humane and honourable qualities: empathy, optimism, imagination, conviction, and courage. And far from being a mark of indifference or intolerance, wrongness is a vital part of how we learn and change. Thanks to error, we can revise our understanding of ourselves and amend our ideas about the world.” — Kathryn Schulz

60. “It is human to err, but it is devilish to remain willfully in error.” — Saint Augustine

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