Happy Weekend Quotes: 106 Best Happy Weekend Everyone Quotes

by Liilgenius
Enjoy Weekend Quotes, Weekend Wishes Quotes, Best Happy Weekend Quotes, Happy Weekend Quotes For Facebook, Happy Weekend Everyone Quotes, Happy Saturday Weekend Quotes, Happy Saturday Quotes, Saturday Greetings Quotes, Happy Weekend Quotes For Friends

Happy Weekend Quotes: Show me someone who doesn’t like the “fun” time weekend brings, and I’ll show you someone who can live without drinking water. What that means in essence is “for most persons, weekends are days set aside for enjoyable activities with friends and family.”

As we know, weekends don’t come and stay with us forever — so whenever they come, ensure you make the most out of them. Take time to rest, recoup, have all the fun and do all the things you love so much. You can use these Happy Weekend Quotes to update your social media accounts.

Without further words, let’s dive right into it: Happy Weekend Quotes.

Happy Weekend Quotes

Here are Happy Weekend Quotes.

1. “I’m an old man. A big weekend for me is Home Depot and a Caesar salad.” – Valee

2. “When you’re young, you should live out every weekend. Even if you look like a scarecrow, you just gotta go!” – Jonathan Brandis

3. “Anybody have plans to stare at their phone somewhere exciting this weekend?” ― Nitya Prakash

4. “No weekend, all weakened.” ― Toba Beta

5. “When you are unemployed, weekends are seven days long.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

6. “Good weather all the week, but come the weekend the weather stinks. When the weather is too hot, they complain… when it’s just right, they’re watching TV.” – Rita Rudner

7. “Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon.” – Richard Nelson Bolles

8. “There is little chance that meteorologists can solve the mysteries of weather until they gain an understanding of the mutual attraction of rain and weekends.” – Arnot Sheppard

9. “Nobody wants to give up a weekend-long excuse to dress up and attempt to outshine one another.” – Elizabeth Eulberg

10. “I have been known to hang out and party back in the day. I had a weekend that lasted a few years.” – Vanilla Ice

Enjoy Weekend Quotes

Here are Enjoy Weekend Quotes. Happy Weekend Quotes!

11. “Take the time to do what you love to do this weekend.” – Catherine Pulsifer

12. “I cycle every weekend. Sometimes I swim.” – Devon Cajuste

13. “Entrepreneurs don’t have weekends or birthdays or holidays.” – Richie Norton

14. “The weekend is here and you deserve a medal for getting through this week.” – Anthony T. Hincks

15. “On the Sixth Day, God created man, the sort of result you often get when you go in to work on a Saturday.” – Robert Brault

16. “It’s okay if every weekend doesn’t lead to big moments and campfires and laughter…” – Morgan Harper Nichols

17. “Be in the habit of getting up bright and early on the weekends. Why waste such precious time in bed?” – Marilyn Vos Savant

18. “Sunday! A family day with a touch of weekend thrown in for good measure.” – Anthony T. Hincks

19. “The weekend is usually seen as a time for relaxation or a time to do what you wanted to do through the week…” – Byron Pulsifier

20. “Friday is a day to finish your goals for the week…” Enjoy your weekend, and be proud of all you’ve accomplished this week!” – Byron Pulsifier

Weekend Wishes Quotes

Here are Weekend Wishes Quotes. Happy Weekend Quotes!

21. “I’m learning the power of going away for the weekend and keeping myself company.” – Zoe Saldana

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22. “I have never in my life found myself in a situation where I’ve stopped work and said, Thank God it’s Friday’. But weekends are special…” – Helen Mirren

23. “If you find you are stressed out during the week…don’t bring work home.” – Kate Summers

24. “I’m usually up at 6 A.M., even on the weekend.” – Nick Frost

25. “Those who continue to work at a job they hate for the money…are more likely to be…very unhappy. …They live for their vacations and weekends…” – Catherine Pulsifer

26. “Seeing the family is a very important part of my weekend.” – Susannah York

27. “Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend.” – Rebecca Black

28. “Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.” – John Shirley

29. “Better days are coming. They are called Saturday and Sunday.” – Unknown

30. “Fridays are the hardest in some ways: you’re so close to freedom.” – Lauren Oliver

Best Happy Weekend Quotes

Here are Best Happy Weekend Quotes. 

31. “Sundays are like confetti floating in the air…you hope a bit of wind could blow…so they could fly a bit longer.” – Alain Bremond-Torrent

32. “It’s a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.” – Jimmy Buffett

33. “… Enjoy yourself. You work hard every day; you deserve to turn up on the weekends with your friends.” – Logic

34. “Life is a wretched gray Saturday, but it has to be lived through.” – Anthony Burgess

35. “A wild and crazy weekend involves sitting on the front porch, smoking a cigar, reading a book.” – Robert M. Gates

36. “Typically a weekend retreat for the heart, soul and palate, brunch is the perfect way to unwind and reconnect.” – Marcela Valladolid

37. “I am always happy to meet my friend, and my friend is my weekend.” – Debasish Mridha

38. “Hands up if you’re ready to do something you’ll regret this weekend…! You have my blessing.” – Florence Welch

39. “The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend.” – Chuck Palahniuk

40. “Unless it’s an emergency, don’t bother me after 6:00 p.m. and on weekends.” – Merv Griffin

Happy Weekend Quotes For Facebook

Here are Happy Weekend Quotes For Facebook. Happy Weekend Quotes!

41. “A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.” – Proverb

42. “My perfect weekend is going for a walk with my family in the park…” – Anne Wojcicki

43. “Weekends don’t pay as well as weekdays but at least there’s football.” – S.A. Sachs

44. “I’ve always loved the ‘Weekend Update’ people.” – Chevy Chase

45. “…Wake up one weekend and not have to go anywhere and do nothing.” – Derek Jeter

46. “The weekends are too short for sleep!” – Bryant A. Loney

47. “I could easily escape to a hotel for a weekend and do absolutely nothing.” – David Boreanaz

48. “Music always sounds better on Friday.” – Lou Brutus

49. “The feeling of Sunday is the same everywhere…” – Jean Rhys

50. “Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” – Bill Watterson

Happy Weekend Everyone Quotes

Here are Happy Weekend Everyone Quotes. Happy Everyone Quotes!

51. “Why is Monday so far away from Friday and Friday so close to Monday?” – Unknown

52. “Weekends are sacred for me. They’re the perfect time to relax and spend time with family and friends.” – Marcus Samuelsson

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53. “Weekend enjoyment start…” – Navnath Godse

54. “I still work weekends because I like it; I enjoy it…” – Unknown

55. “Cozy+smell of pancakes-alarm clock=weekend.” – Amy Krouse Rosenthal

56. “To be in the All-Star Weekend is something that’s special.” – Jimmer Fredette

57. “Life is a wretched gray Saturday, but it has to be lived through.” – Anthony Burgess

58. “Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family.” – Bo Bennett

59. “Oldtimers, weekends, and airplane landings are alike…” – Casey Stengel

60. “I believe that it is a mandatory Law of the Universe that on Fridays, you have to do something a little fun,” – Hanna Rhoades

Happy Saturday Weekend Quotes

Here are Happy Saturday Weekend Quotes. Happy Weekend Quotes!

61. “Why not try to relax your troubled mind by taking a walk in the park, or going on a weekend hiking trip with family or friends and enjoy the view?” – E.L. Herndon, ‘Self Help

62. “Being in love is what makes working all week bearable…and makes Friday night really feel like The Weekend.” – Julie Hintz

63. “All-Star Weekend always treats me great. I love the atmosphere that comes with it.” – Cam’ron

64. “This weekend don’t think about Monday, it will come soon enough.” – Robert Rivers

65. “I work mostly during the week, and on the weekend I get to hang out with friends, so it balances out pretty well.” – Jimmy Bennett

66. “Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend.” – Zenna Schaffer

67. “My father is my best friend. We work side by side and spend every weekend together.” – Eric Trump

68. “The rhythm of the weekend, with its birth…its announced end, followed the rhythm of life …” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

69. “Why do we say ‘Have a great weekend?…I have no control over your weekend. Have a great weekend.” – Pete Holmes

70. “Miami’s great. I love going there for a weekend of fun.” – Nina Agdal

Happy Saturday Quotes

Here are Happy Saturday Quotes. Happy Weekend Quotes!

71. “A perfect weekend in London has to start on Friday night, by going to the theatre…I enjoy…as much as possible.” – Helen McCrory

72. “We’re homebodies. I’ve gotten to see my kids’ smiles…Every day is a weekend.” – Larry The Cable Guy

73. “Freedom begins where work ends- the realm of freedom is after hours, on the weekend, on vacation, and not at work.” – Peter Frase

74. “Be in the habit of getting up bright and early on the weekends. Why waste such precious time in bed?” – Marilyn Vos Savant

75. “Always strive to excel, but only on weekends.” – Richard Rorty

76. “My weekends are extremely precious.” – Mariska Hargitay

77. “There aren’t enough days in the weekend.” – Rod Schmidt

78. “If Friday were a person, I would give it a big hug and a kiss.” – Unknown

79. “I’m learning the power of going away for the weekend and keeping myself company.” – Zoe Saldana

80. “Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.” – Joseph Addison

Saturday Greetings Quotes

Here are Saturday Greetings Quotes. Happy Weekend Quotes!

81. “Without the weekend, where would the week be?” – Anthony T. Hincks

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82. “Save your energy during the week, you’ll need it if you want to dance during the whole weekend!” – Unknown

83. “Sundays are like confetti floating in the air in slow motion.” – Alain Bremond-Torrent

84. “Pretend like it’s the weekend …We could pretend it all the time.” – Jack Johnson

85. “Why wait for the weekend to have fun.” – Loesje

86. “Sunday evenings often feel like the weekend is over before it’s even begun.” – Catherine McCormack

87. “Had an amazing weekend hanging with my pals.” – Victoria Justice

88. “There is no quote out there that can fully describe how great the weekend is.” – Unknown

89. “Saturdays, the world is a better place again.” – Golden Flower

90. “Every day is a gift. But some days are packaged better.” – Sanhita Baruah

Happy Weekend Quotes For Friends

Here are Happy Weekend Quotes For Friends. Happy Weekend Quotes!

91. “…You’ve had about seven hours of sleep since Friday…You’re sunk from a riot of relaxation.” – Ogden Nash

92. “I’d be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment.” – Audrey Hepburn

93. “…I’d spend every weekend at my home in Zermatt in Switzerland.” – Vanessa Mae

94. “The weekend is a time for no’s – no alarm clock, no rushing, no urgent phone calls, no working nights!” – Catherine Pulsifer

95. “Weekends don’t pay as well as weekdays but at least there’s football.” – S.A. Sachs

96. “The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” – Oscar Wilde

97. “Every day is a gift. But some days are packaged better.” – Sanhita Baruah

98. “I just want what we all want: a comfortable couch, a nice beverage, a weekend of no distractions…” – Elizabeth Gilbert

99. “Some of the most relaxing weekends I have ever enjoyed were those I spent quietly with a sense of all work to date completed….” – Aung San Suu Kyi

100. “Middle age is when you’re sitting at home on a Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn’t for you.” – Ogden Nash

101. “Spending a weekend with Hitler would have been boring in the extreme, although you would have had a greater certainty in coming back alive.” – Alan Bullock

102. “The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend.” – Chuck Palahniuk

103. “May your weekend be full of adventure and cheer, and may the beginning of the next week be far away.” – Unknown

104. “Happiness comes when you believe in what you are doing, know what you are doing, and love what you are doing.” Have a happy weekend!

105. “Men are simple things. They can survive a whole weekend with only three things: beer, boxer shorts, and batteries for the remote control.” –Diana Jordan

106. “The weekend is here and you deserve a medal for getting through this week. May your weekend feel longer than the working week.” — Unknown

We hope you enjoyed our collection of Happy Weekend Quotes?

Enjoy these Enjoy Weekend Quotes, Weekend Wishes Quotes, Best Happy Weekend Quotes, Happy Weekend Quotes For Facebook, Happy Weekend Everyone Quotes, Happy Saturday Weekend Quotes, Happy Saturday Quotes, Saturday Greetings Quotes, and Happy Weekend Quotes For Friends.

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